BackBet – Raise your Stakes
SunPoker is proud to introduce to you BackBet - an innovative new feature that will enhance the excitement and action of your poker plays!
Increase your enjoyment with BackBet’s side games while playing poker at the tables.
What exactly is a BackBet?
A ‘BackBet’ is a bet on something to happen – placing a side bet on possible occurrences. Also known as a prop bet in the poker world, using back bet players can increase their winnings without ever having to leave the poker table.
How to use BackBet at SunPoker
When you sit at the designated BackBet tables at SunPoker, you will be able to immediately start placing your side bets by click on the BackBet icon next to the table. Several betting options will be made available, such as wagering on what community cards you think will be dealt or what you think your hole cards will be on any given hand.
A BackBet wager is conducted directly via your poker account and does not affect your balance at the table. The betting currencies are designated by the tables that you play at.
The BackBet tables also offer a complete “Betting History” option allowing you to keep track of all your side-betting action!
What exactly can you bet on?
Betting on Board Cards
You can predict and place a wager on which cards/color/suit will appear in the community cards, on the board, prior to the drawing of each street. You can also place wagers on: all black/red flop, one card of 9 and above, one card of a specific suit hitting the flop, one card of Q and above, one card of 4 and below, suited cards and more.
Betting on Next Pocket Cards
With this type of bet you will be predicting your upcoming two hole cards. The odds will appear before the hands are dealt and you can make your bets accordingly. There are multiple options: pairs, blackjack, 2 high cards, 2 low cards, 2 face cards, suited and connecters.
Betting on Folded Cards
No longer must you live with the regret of folding a winning hand! With BackBet you are now able to place a bet on the outcome of your folded cards. Even if you fold your hand you will be able to make numerous bets on what you think the outcome would have been, including betting if you would have made a pair, a straight and many more options!
It’s time to make that real side money! |